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The natural environment comprises all naturally-occurring surroundings and conditions in which living things grow and interact on Earth. These include complete landscape units that function as natural systems without major human intervention, as well as plants, animals, rocks, and natural phenomena occurring within their boundaries. They also include non-local or universal natural resources that lack clear-cut boundaries, such as air, water and climate.

Natural environmental Parts

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To Save the Environment Life

'Go green’ is perhaps the most repeated buzz word in global arena. Yes, we have come to a point where if we don’t contribute our bit, we will soon be subject to extinction just the way dinosaurs vanished from the earth. The life on earth is facing serious problems in form of global warming, air pollution, water pollution, dwindling natural resources, depleting ozone layer and waste disposal. We are constantly being talked about ‘save our environment’ because that is the most crucial thing facing the earth. We have always been taught about healthy environment and how important it is for us to conserve our natural resources. But then, not many of us can really claim to have taken steps that have helped in saving the environment. If we haven’t then it’s high time to take some major steps towards saving the environment.

Every goal, dream or vision begins with some tiny steps. Similarly, if we are imagining a clean and healthy environment as our legacy for the coming generations then we need to start from scratch. We don’t have to indulge in any serious measures and lengthy procedures. We have kept thinking about major issues like deforestation, fear of extinction being faced by precious animal life and pollution curb etc but we need to begin with simple, basic steps. If each one of us can just perform few basic tasks, we will have contributed a great deal in saving the environment.

Start with switching off the lights, fan, radio system or television before you leave the house or when they are not being used. If you have an air-conditioner, replace the air filters once a month. If you have computer or laptop at home, keep it in hibernation or sleep mode when you are not using. If you have gadgets and equipments, make sure to use them efficiently. Pay adequate attention to water heaters and refrigerators as they consume lot of power. Never ever waste water. Do not allow your buckets to overflow. Turn off the taps. Use showers judiciously. Do not pollute water bodies as water is perhaps the most precious natural resource.

Try to plant some trees every year. The way deforestation is taking place, planting few trees every year will go a long way in bringing back the balance to the planet earth. To reduce air pollution, use bicycles or public transport. Maintain your vehicles in top condition by clearing their exhaust pipes regularly and keeping the pollution under check. Try to use natural gas instead of petrol and diesel.

Use renewable source of energy. You always have the choice of reducing the use of plastic and rubber. Use paper bags and reusable canvas bags. Go for recycled products as they help saving the precious natural resources. It is always wise to use products that can be reused.

For business people, it is important to save paper. Print only when it is absolutely necessary. For correspondence, use emails instead of papers. Try to use reusable cups instead o disposable cups. Don’t use products that contain parts of animals like fur and ivory. These stuffs are leading to the extinction of animals. If you can, indulge in gardening and activities like composting. Go for organic foods that avoid usage of chemical fertilizers and synthetic nutrients. These are just few simple steps through which we can contribute towards saving the environment.

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